Purana Punjab Virasat Sandhu Whatsapp Status - Statuspb

 Purana Punjab Virasat Sandhu Whatsapp Status :

Friends, here you will see Purana Punjab Virasat Sandhu Whatsapp Status . Singers should definitely sing such songs because it is only by listening to such songs that the new generation gets education and they get to know about their history.

Purana Punjab Virasat Sandhu

Other singers should also try to make the society learn something good. People should love such songs too.

Purana Punjab Virasat Sandhu Whatsapp Status :-

Destiny has to endure everything written

Troubles don't sell

Laughter is not bought

Bad times would be annoying, but the reality of the sweetness of the mouth would be shown

I will be scared, my dear heart, look at me, try to destroy me every moment,

Then stand up and hit the property

Let us keep our understanding, we are happy

Who says what, why says, who did what, who did what we did, just take the elephant's walk, the elders have advised

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